FireSmart is living with and managing for wildfire on our landscape. It is an initiative designed to help home and property owners reduce the chance of their property being affected by wildfire. FireSmart activities such as tree thinning, clearing and pruning occur in a community to help reduce the risk of a wildfire. FireSmart also involves simple actions a homewoner can do to their home and property to help decrease wildfire damage.
The greatest wildfire threats to homeowners are the transfer of wildfire from house to house (direct heat) and ignition from ember showers. An ember shower is when large embers are thrown from a wildfire and carried into the air. 50% of the homes burned from wildfires are started by sparks and embers. While FireSmart cannot totally remove the threat of damage from a wildfire, property loss can be significantly reduced by performing FireSmart activities.
FireSmart Canada’s Neighbourhood Recognition Program (NRP) is a national program developed to officially recognize neighbourhoods that have taken critical steps to reduce their vulnerability to wildland fire. The program focuses on bringing neighbours together to address threats on their respective properties, and those in common areas within the community.
Tracy Macleod Co-Chair (PGCA)
Phil Jackson Co-Chair (PGSCL)
Paul Healy (PGSCL)
Chris Prodahl (PGG&CC)
Kathy Schulz (Resident Member)
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